YFC President and CEO
Jacob D. Bland was recently named as the 10th President and CEO of Youth For Christ (YFC), which takes effect on June 1, 2021. The YFC National Board of Trustees selected Jake based on his exemplary background within the ministry. (Family Photo by Meredith Washburn Photography)

Jacob D. Bland was recently named as the 10th President and CEO of Youth For Christ (YFC), which takes effect on June 1, 2021. The YFC National Board of Trustees selected Jake based on his exemplary background within the ministry. (Family Photo by Meredith Washburn Photography)
National Board of Trustees
National Board of Trustees
YFC's TRUSTEES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DIRECTING THE MOVEMENT OF YFC AROUND THE NATION. Elected to renewable three-year terms by the voting membership of Youth For Christ field staff and local boards, these people are dedicated to prayerfully establishing the policies that guide our work nationally.
Ali King, Executive Director Central Indiana YFC Indianapolis, IN
Luther Bradley, Semi-retired, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Michigan Detroit, MI
Lynn Breen, Philanthropist Community Advocate New Hope, PA
Gay Brown, Vice Chair of the Board Board Chair, Industrial Finishes & Systems, Inc. Eugene, OR
André Dantzler, President SociallyU Signal Mountain, TN
Sheryl Haushalter-Sopher, President Robinson Fin Machines Kenton, OH
Gilbert Hernandez Executive Director San Antonio YFC San Antonio, TX

Travis Holdman Holdman Consult/Holdman Law Fort Wayne, IN

Barry Huebner, Chairman of the Board Consultant, Midwest Transit Equipment Kankakee, IL

Derek Jacobsen, Executive Director Greater Iowa YFC Mason City, IA
Dan Kregel, Executive Director West Michigan YFC Grand Rapids, MI
Robert (Bud) Moeller, Retired, Accenture Consulting Melbourne, FL
Dr. Shani Wilfred, Criminal Justice Online Undergraduate Programs Coordinator, Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA
Larry Williams, Ex Officio North America Regional Director for YFCI Overland Park, KS
Jake Bland, President/CEO Youth For Christ USA Englewood, CO
Holly Culhane, Board Member Emeritus Founder & CEO Presence Point Grass Valley, CA
Jim DeKruyter, Board Member Emeritus Retired, DelView Development Co. Kalamazoo, MI
Jerry Granger, Board member Emeritus Retired, CEO, Granger Companies Lansing, MI