Building Time: Vets in the Park
Helping Serve Those Who Served Us First!
NOTE: Some teens faces have been covered for privacy reasons. On August 5th, nine teenagers (one not pictured in the group picture) from around the Grand Forks area woke up early on a Saturday morning to volunteer to help set up for "Veterans in the Park". We began the morning in prayer and talking about how God uses anyone, all broken people, to serve others and that Jesus taught and modeled the greatest around us are not those who are served but those who humble themselves to serve. Two leaders and nine teens then came together as one team to help prepare for an event that was going to honor Veterans. The teens showed eagerness to work hard, and we were so grateful for their awesome work! Teens WANT to serve and are great servants! Thank you, Veterans, for serving us so we can be here today to teach teens about the importance of serving others and how Jesus, the greatest servant of all time, lived, died, and rose again for us so we can be in relationship with Him forever!