Campus Life Building Time
Solve The Mystery Formal Dinner
Eighteen students joined us on Saturday, February 11th for the mysterious Malachai Stout Family Reunion meal! They were greeted at the door by two of the Stout butlers who escorted them to the back of the "Malachai Mansion" where they entered the family dining room. The meal proceeded with three courses of food cooked by the Stout Chef (a renowned chef that partnered with us to use his talents to create a great meal and environment for this event) and served individually to each student and Stout family member. Abruptly mid-way through the meal, a mystery had occurred and required to students' help to investigate and solve it! These eighteen students from five different local schools came together and solved the mystery right before the meal ended! It was an awesome afternoon filled with fun, laughter, interrogation of the Stout family, and imagination! We were grateful we had the opportunity to serve these teens with the love God has for us and witness them come together as one "big family" to remember they are not alone this month. It was great to watch their "real selves" come to the surface as they all investigated the mystery in their own unique way (from observing and listening to questioning and finding loopholes in the Stout character stories)! You can see pictures below, and more will follow as we keep collecting them from the individual event photographers.