YFC Summer Fun!
Camp, Backpacking, and Bash!
Check out the stories and memories from all the YFC summer fun!
YFC Camp
Approximately 185 youth from around the state came together for one week to step out of the world and be immersed in God-centered activities at ND YFC Camp. Nineteen of those youth were from the Grand Forks area. We were also excited to have three volunteer counselors with us this year who gave their week to build and deepen authentic-Christ-sharing-relationships with youth. Throughout the week, youth had the opportunity to try new activities like zip-lining, tubing, and archery tag as well as compete against each other in volleyball, races, and dodgeball! However, the best part of camp was getting to dive deeper into what faith really means: heart trust on Jesus. Through the theme of Bedrock Faith, youth heard about how God is the ultimate architect, man is like a DIY enthusiast, sin is the termites that destroys walls, and Jesus is the Savior and ultimate DIY solution. At the end of the week, four young people from Grand Forks decided to trust in Jesus as their Savior and two decided they wanted to become more serious about their relationship with Him. The remainder heard seeds of truth that were planted in their hearts. We all found it difficult to leave and say our goodbyes at the end, but we know we don't have to say goodbye forever. We cannot wait to return to camp again next year as well as see everyone in the fall! We do have some pictures (limited to what the Grand Forks YFC staff were able to take at some activities) and we have made them available for you to view. We are hoping to receive more pictures or video in the coming weeks and months from other YFC staff members across the state. If you wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.

Approximately 185 youth from around the state came together for one week to step out of the world and be immersed in God-centered activities at ND YFC Camp. Nineteen of those youth were from the Grand Forks area. We were also excited to have three volunteer counselors with us this year who gave their week to build and deepen authentic-Christ-sharing-relationships with youth. Throughout the week, youth had the opportunity to try new activities like zip-lining, tubing, and archery tag as well as compete against each other in volleyball, races, and dodgeball! However, the best part of camp was getting to dive deeper into what faith really means: heart trust on Jesus. Through the theme of Bedrock Faith, youth heard about how God is the ultimate architect, man is like a DIY enthusiast, sin is the termites that destroys walls, and Jesus is the Savior and ultimate DIY solution. At the end of the week, four young people from Grand Forks decided to trust in Jesus as their Savior and two decided they wanted to become more serious about their relationship with Him. The remainder heard seeds of truth that were planted in their hearts. We all found it difficult to leave and say our goodbyes at the end, but we know we don't have to say goodbye forever. We cannot wait to return to camp again next year as well as see everyone in the fall! We do have some pictures (limited to what the Grand Forks YFC staff were able to take at some activities) and we have made them available for you to view. We are hoping to receive more pictures or video in the coming weeks and months from other YFC staff members across the state. If you wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.
YFC Backpack Trip
The YFC Backpack Trip was full of adventure, perseverance, and growth! This year, four young men traversed from Grand Forks with two experienced leaders to take on the wilderness of George Crosby Manitou State Park. The boys accepted the challenge of camping on a hilltop which meant they went trekking up and down the slopes for water every morning and evening. Evening hikes, building fires, setting up camp, etc. grew these teens as they learned survival skills and worked as a team. By the end of the trip trust blossomed, not only with each other, but also toward God. Each day this group spent some time discussing the Lord's Prayer and dialoguing with curiosity about who He really is and how He changes our lives. The beginning of the formation of one's sense of self, God, and community occurred on this trip. We are excited to share the pictures with you below! If you went on the trip and wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.

The YFC Backpack Trip was full of adventure, perseverance, and growth! This year, four young men traversed from Grand Forks with two experienced leaders to take on the wilderness of George Crosby Manitou State Park. The boys accepted the challenge of camping on a hilltop which meant they went trekking up and down the slopes for water every morning and evening. Evening hikes, building fires, setting up camp, etc. grew these teens as they learned survival skills and worked as a team. By the end of the trip trust blossomed, not only with each other, but also toward God. Each day this group spent some time discussing the Lord's Prayer and dialoguing with curiosity about who He really is and how He changes our lives. The beginning of the formation of one's sense of self, God, and community occurred on this trip. We are excited to share the pictures with you below! If you went on the trip and wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.
Summer Bash
On July 31st, 22 different youth from Grand Forks, East Grand Forks, and Thompson arrived at Southbrook Park for the annual Summer Bash event! It was a hot day, but that didn't deter the fun, energy, laughter, or stories. The morning was spent competing in The Bedrock Amazing Race where youth split up into teams to complete tasks that challenged their mind, teamwork, and physical endurance. Over the lunch hour, we filled our bellies with delicious food and heard a powerful testimony from Jonnie Sharp. His message concluded that Jesus is available for everyone, no matter how lost in the dark you feel you are. Jonnie invited young people to take one step toward God, even if it was simply asking Him if He is real. The day proceeded with God protecting the park from any storms so we could go outside and spend the entire afternoon cooling off with some fun water games! Youth challenged not only each other, but also their beloved leaders to a tug-of-war competition, sponge-dodgeball, as well as many other activities. We want to thank local businesses who donated to this event, volunteer organizers who planned Summer Bash, volunteer leaders who gave their hearts and time to youth at Summer Bash, volunteer photographer who donated her time and talent, and Southbrook Park for allowing us to use the space to create pivotal moments with youth. Check out the picture highlights below! If you wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.

On July 31st, 22 different youth from Grand Forks, East Grand Forks, and Thompson arrived at Southbrook Park for the annual Summer Bash event! It was a hot day, but that didn't deter the fun, energy, laughter, or stories. The morning was spent competing in The Bedrock Amazing Race where youth split up into teams to complete tasks that challenged their mind, teamwork, and physical endurance. Over the lunch hour, we filled our bellies with delicious food and heard a powerful testimony from Jonnie Sharp. His message concluded that Jesus is available for everyone, no matter how lost in the dark you feel you are. Jonnie invited young people to take one step toward God, even if it was simply asking Him if He is real. The day proceeded with God protecting the park from any storms so we could go outside and spend the entire afternoon cooling off with some fun water games! Youth challenged not only each other, but also their beloved leaders to a tug-of-war competition, sponge-dodgeball, as well as many other activities. We want to thank local businesses who donated to this event, volunteer organizers who planned Summer Bash, volunteer leaders who gave their hearts and time to youth at Summer Bash, volunteer photographer who donated her time and talent, and Southbrook Park for allowing us to use the space to create pivotal moments with youth. Check out the picture highlights below! If you wish to receive pictures, please email Chelsea at chelsea@grandforksyfc.com.