What does it mean to escape the lies of this world? Social media bombards youth today with positive and negative messages. It can be a great method to connect to friends and family, but it can also be laden with lies. Teens receive negative messages about their weight, race, hair, skin, friends, or athletic ability. They become trapped in a never ending cycle of trying to be someone else. Sadly, it usually is someone they were never meant to be.
During introductions, everyone shared one thing that they wanted us to know that didn’t define them. Please read and feel a few eye opening and vulnerable statements: “my pain doesn’t define me,” “my friends don’t define me,” and “what people say about me doesn’t define me.” Temofeh spoke of a relationship with Jesus. In this relationship, Jesus doesn’t want us to come to him as perfect but ourselves. No masks and deception required. He also shared how this relationship lifts us out of the dark places and how our belief helps to define us.
Finally, Temofeh shared this key verse, “If you abide in me, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32. Jesus sets us free from guilt, shame, and feelings of inadequacy. Our prayer for youth in our community is for them to look to Jesus and not be held in bondage to the lies of the world.